We are experts in “manpower” consulting services and solutions



Our services square measure to produce you the most effective enlisting services with robust expertise, with arch, semi-skilled and un-skilled employees among a brief amount of your time. Asad Aftab Enterprises could be a skilled agency that may respond you right away with effective and timely manners. we have a tendency to conjointly offer consultation and recommendation on the matters concerning the present developments in work force enlisting, policies/pronouncements issued by the govt. agencies still because the management considerations.

Selection Process

we normally do it with the help of team experts for technical & professional categories under direct supervision of our professional executives.
We have a very comprehensive CVs Bank. Normally candidates are selected from this. However we also advertise the requirements in leading Newspapers. Advertisement of principle's demands with the prior permission of the Protector of Emigrants Government of Pakistan through release of advertisement in the leading newspapers throughout the Pakistan.
We have a very comprehensive CVs Bank. Normally candidates are selected from this. However we also advertise the requirements in leading Newspapers. Advertisement of principle's demands with the prior permission of the Protector of Emigrants Government of Pakistan through release of advertisement in the leading newspapers throughout the Pakistan.
On evaluation of the applications received short listing of the deserving candidates is instigated and call letters issued for provisional interview and trade test etc.
Our highly qualified and experienced consultants interview and carry out tests for the required candidates. For ranking the skilled and un-skilled candidate’s standard methods are adopted so that suitable manpower may be supplied. The candidates who get through these interviews and tests are short-listed and declared as provisionally selected candidates.
When we need a bulk supply of manpower our provisional selection does not take much more time. We call our candidates according to the schedule of foreign delegation, which will be visiting for selection. Otherwise our selected candidates are processed to depart to the sponsors.
Our technical manager invites the applications screens them and short lists the appropriate candidates according to the job description. They only short-list those candidates who are required by the employer at the minimum possible time. It not only saves the time but also gives an opportunity to satisfy the employer.
The short listed candidates are then required to appear before the selection Board thereafter the selected candidates are put to test. The final rating is done after consideration of the individuals over all performance.
The finally selected candidates are required to appear before the Medical board comprising of highly competent specialist/doctors for conducting full medical check up by medical entry duly approved by GCC and the consulate of the employer’s country.
For selected candidates, we will apply for their visas in the respective Embassy as authorized by the Employer.
We obtain life Insurance from State life of Pakistan before endorsement Protector of Emigrant staAsad Aftab Enterprises, on their respected Passport as well as before travelling to abroad.
We obtain clearance from the concerned Government Department for the candidates.
The employer may send PTA or Remit necessary travelling expenses in favour of our agency to facilitate the travelling scheduled.
We provide basic orientation to workers before traveling abroad. The workers are informed about their duties and responsibilities while abroad and first hand information of work environment there & salient features of labor laws of the country of employment.
A detailed list of provisionally selected candidates is sent to the sponsors for further necessary action .If they need further interviews and tests then their delegation is invited and appropriate arrangements are made. In case the sponsors do not need to depute certain delegation for final selection the management takes full responsibility regarding efficiency, skill and medical fitness of the candidates.

With over 20 years of experience in Overseas Employment Promoter. We are experts in consulting services and solutions


Qaisar Ali
We, the Asad Aftab Enterprises Overseas Employment Promoter, work like a team to enjoy and avail all the facilities provided by the Government of Pakistan and the Foreign Embassies. At Asad Aftab Enterprises Overses Employment Promoter, we are all expert and experienced personnel to deal with the manpower export affairs. That is why Asad Aftab Enterprises Overseas Employment Promoter, a team that is dedicated for providing the best to its clients. We don't believe in statuesque, the horizon of manpower export is limitless and we are heading to its acme.

Qaisar Ali
